Wednesday, November 26, 2008

NaNoWriMo, Day 26: Hijinks in the Abortion Clinic FTW!

Word count: 41,030. I'm a little behind. I'll probably end up writing 5,000 words on the last day. My plot (such as it was) makes no sense and I still have only the vaguest idea how it's going to end, but at least I'm still having fun writing it.

So yeah, I got nothing, but I did want to share the beyond fabulous video for Amanda Palmer's "Oasis"--possibly the most jubilant song ever recorded about rape, abortion, betrayal, and the redemptive power of pop music (all these topics, punctuated by feel-good Brian Wilson-esque harmonies, are blithely covered within the space of two minutes). The vid's dedicated to Sarah Palin and is probably not safe for work, unless you work someplace that has "disturbingly hilarious" written into its mission statement. Amanda's facial expressions are priceless. I've got tickets to see her next month, the evening of my scheduled re-debut at beauty school. I will not be inviting Melissa Mahoney.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

NaNoWriMo, Day Eleven: I'm Such A Dork I Had To Google Gang Signs

Word count: 20,026. I'm a day ahead! This never happens. I'm just having so much fun writing this thing. Let me introduce you to my imaginary friends:

Kay: Neurotic hipstery legal secretary with a tendency to mope and romanticize bad relationships. More fun than she sounds. Makes gang signs in her sleep. Let's hope she never has a fling with one of the Maniac Latin Disciples. May have a demon-infested apartment.

Oliver: Former geologist who dabbles in the supernatural, if a bit ineptly. Now works at IKEA because he got fired from his old job for making the toaster explode while trying to exorcise it. Extremely loquacious and is constantly getting laid. Needless to say, he's awesome for word count. Hecubus-Ted, the evil spirit that only haunts IKEA mattresses, is his nemesis.1

Ariel: Oliver's (now estranged) girlfriend, an arty gothy musician who makes her living playing at a cheesy piano bar. Snarky, charismatic, has trust issues and ninja weapons. Hangs out in leather corsets, rhinestone-tipped false eyelashes, and purple skull pajama pants. She rocks.

These three have been writing the story for me. All I'm doing is hitting the keyboard randomly for hours at a time as I watch them do their thing. If I think of it that way, it's a lot less obnoxious when I crack up at my own jokes.

1The novel's (atrocious) working title is "Deathbed." I feel like it needs a couple of umlauts, in homage to Berkeley Breathed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

NaNoWriMo, Day Four: Barack Obama Elected President

Word count: slightly behind where I need to be, but you know, that's not as important as the electoral vote projection.

I'll probably have a champagne hangover tomorrow and not be able to write much, but I'm okay with that.

Congratulations, President Obama. I am honored to have been able to vote for you.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

NaNoWriMo, Day Two: Demonic Possession With A Side Of Swedish Meatballs

Word count: 2,339. Not bad considering I spent Halloween moving out of my old place and didn't have a single plot or character idea until around 9 pm that day. It's a paranormalish not-quite-romance set in IKEA, although so far I feel like I've been typing "Fuck You, [Name of Recent Ex]" over and over. At least it's not about law school.

I need to write about a thousand more words today to be where I'm supposed to be. If I hit my goal I'll go out tonight to see my brother play double duty as rock star and DJ between sets. (He's kind of a big deal.)