Monday, October 27, 2008

No Points For Guessing What The Soul-Eating Beast Represents

I just signed up for this year's NaNoWriMo. I'm not going back to school till Dec. 10 (leg is still gimpy) and have no employment prospects in sight, so I feel like I'd better redeem myself by writing a 50,000-word novel in a month. Especially considering that I started this blog to catalog my creative pursuits, which so far have been notable for their absence.

I'm not sure what I'm going to write about (not that that stopped me in 2005, the first and only year I did this. In 2006 I was busy studying for the LSAT and in 2007 I was busy being miserable in law school). I've kicked around the idea of a Kelly Link-esque supernatural romance featuring a soul-eating beast, until I realized I was bored with writing or even thinking about romance. I might do it anyway. I have done absolutely no research or outlining--again, something that deterred me not in the least in 2005. I know people who are doing extensive plotting and research beforehand, and while I applaud their diligence, it's more my style just to hit the ground running and see where my imagination takes me. You're probably starting to get a fuller idea of why I was epic fail at law school.

I'll try to post my word count at least weekly. Beyond that, I can't promise anything, except that my protagonist will not be more than 10% me. The last thing I need is to commit myself to 50,000 words about my navel. Bleah. Like I don't do enough of that here.

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